Labor and Delivery with Amanda and Adam - Introducing Baby Emmie

January 27, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

My first blog entry ever! And my first labor and delivery photoshoot ever!! Woah. "What did I sign myself up for?" I thought as I sat in the corner of the room quietly. I felt dizzy and nervous to be in a hospital, especially in a delivery room. Boy, was I glad that I did it. Or should I say GIRL. Baby Emmie was stunning. It was one of the most wonderful photo sessions I have ever had. I could get used to doing more of these. It was real. Just REAL life. A lot more real than doing weddings and family Christmas cards, at least. The pictures that I took show exactly what I mean.

Documenting this labor and delivery is something I will never forget as long as I live. I could not believe how strong Mommy was and the unwavering support from Daddy was touching. He never left her side and held her through every contraction.

Momma was fierce. She made up her mind as far as not having an epidural and she stuck to it. I was taken aback by how great she was doing for it being her first child. It was like she had done it before. She was a pro right before my eyes.

After over 24 hours of labor, Mom and Dad were so exhausted. And Amanda's parents anxiously waited for the birth of their sweet grand-daughter. 

From the first look at the baby and the first cry to the first time they got to hold their new daughter, I was honored to be there and witness it. I was delighted to be able to save those memories forever.


Getting to see the love that Amanda and Adam share and the instantaneous love that they had for their daughter was an experience that reminded me of how precious life is and how blessed I am to do what I do. Life is great. We are all so lucky to be here living it. How beautiful is this gorgeous baby?!


Aunt Liz was so excited!

As well as the rest of the family!


Welcome to the world, precious baby girl! Thank you for gracing me with your grand entrance.



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